When it comes to Indian classical music, a Mohan Veena is one of only two plucked string instruments employed. There are several ways to play the Mohan veena, which is a modified slide guitar with an amazing tone, sympathetic strings, and unique playing possibilities. It is also called the Indian slide guitar.
The fascinating instrument, Mohan veena, is traditionally carried flat in one's lap, like a Hawaiian guitar. Using a polished steel cylinder slide, the melody is articulated on the left side without having to press the string down. The weight of the slide is adequate to provide a clear sound.
Guitarists are familiar with sliding melody fluctuations, such as bottleneck playing, because the slide can be moved freely along the playing strings. Finger picks are used to pluck the Mohan Veena on the right side. Even when not amplified, the Mohan Veena has a powerful sound heightened by the silvery overtones of the drone strings.
The Mohan Veena applies to all of the differentiated melodic and rhythmical play found in Indian raga music, as well as a variety of other musical forms. There are several types of slide guitars in India, including the Chaturangui, Hansa Veena, and Shankar Veena. This course benefits beginners who wish to learn this Indian Slide Guitar.
If you're interested in learning Mohan veena, SoulFul Musik Academy, tops in teaching the best string classes in India. We are committed to putting all future musicians on the right track of learning. Our teaching experts take you on a musical journey where you get to know the aesthetics of Indian music and master it through instruments like Mohan Veena.
We teach following courses in mouth veena.