


The drum is an electric music instrument that generates music by converting electrical impulses into sounds that resemble a range of musical instruments or natural sounds. A music drum electrically creates and alters sounds with the aid of a digital computer. They are employed in electronic music creation and live performance.

The complex machinery of the drum creates wave patterns and then modifies them in strength, duration, frequency, and timbre as specified. Drums produce sounds that are much beyond the range and diversity of traditional musical instruments. Drums debuted in mainstream music in the 1960s and became renowned as home users' instruments in the 1980s.
Subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, frequency modulation (FM) synthesis, phase distortion synthesis, wavetable synthesis, sample-based synthesis, vector synthesis, granular synthesis, and physical modeling synthesis are methods used by drums to create audio. Every synth has four fundamental components: an oscillator, filters, LFOs, and an ADSR envelope.

Oscillators often generate waves with varying timbres. Filters remove portions of the sound used to influence the tone of a synth. LFOs (Low-Frequency Oscillators) produce slow sound waves that remain unheard. An ADSR envelope (Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release) controls the loudness lifetime of each note produced by the synth.
SoulFul Musik Academy offers students the chance to learn drums from beginner to expert levels along with the history and theory of the instrument. SoulFul Musik Academy believes in guiding all aspiring artists down the right road. Along with practical knowledge, SoulFul Musik Academy, educates all students in theoretical knowledge and explains its significance.


We teach following courses in synthesizer.